"My favorite metaphor is the spider and its web.
So extended cognition researchers at MIT have been showing—there's new research every day pretty much—that spiders’ cognition is not in its brain or its body, [but] extends into its web. And if you damage part of the web, it acts as if it has had a stroke. Human beings are like this—like most animals have some amount of extended cognition.
What I like to think is that because we are only self through other, through constant intaking of otherness to very materially metabolically build our bodies; … our minds are not in our head. Minds are characters we inhabit—that multiple beings inhabit…
That's why the therapeutic model sometimes seems too small for me. Like if a mind is a territory that many beings are inside of, how can two human beings in the sterile room solve the problem that is constituted by a whole web of wild kin?"